Importer company services
- Подробности
- Опубликовано 27.02.2013 10:43

Import goods represent a significant part of Ukraine’s commodity turnover. Often, for various reasons, it is not convenient or not favorable for companies to import goods on their own.
In order to resolve the issue of cooperation with foreign partners and to make the import of goods beneficial, we offer our clients importer services, and that solves all the issues considering the delivery and customs clearance of goods.
Contact us and you will be relieved from having to delve into the intricacies of foreign economic activity, maintain staff of experts, waste time and nerves to communicate with customs authorities, search for transport companies and solve other issues.
You just need to provide the information on when and what items should be brought, and the importer company will organize the import of goods and its delivery to Kyiv or any destination in Ukraine on their own.
The main advantage of the importer company services is that working in this field for several years, today we can minimize the costs of import of goods and offer our clients the best tariff rates. And they are not fixed, depending on the type of product, its cost, batch volume, physical parameters as well as the nature of cooperation.
Please contact our experts by phone or schedule an appointment to specify the terms of cooperation.